4o Acts Day 11 and 12: L.O.V.E / #ChocolateTuesday


Today’s blog post will bring me back up to date with the acts! Side note: there was only one action for Day 11: L.O.V.E 🙂

Day 11 of 40 Acts: L.O.V.E

Thought of the day:

God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son.

(John 3:16 NCV)

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Green/Amber/Red action:

Show love to someone today. Consider two things before you do that, though: (1) In what ways does that person experience love the most? Do they prefer acts of service, gifts, quality time? (2) What kind of love do you most struggle to express? Have a think about the ways you might challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone and love someone the way they need to be loved today.

Yesterday I spent the majority of the day with my best friend. We live together and go to uni together so I see her everyday but we have our own lives too, both with boyfriends and so we don’t always have time for each other like we used to. It was great to just be with each other and laugh, talk, hang out, even if our day consisted of Uni work and food shopping! Sometimes it’s the smallest things that remind us of how blessed we are and how far we’ve come. I’ll always have her back and support her through the good times and bad times. I’m so grateful to have found such an amazing friend at Uni and I hope it’ll be a friendship that will continue beyond education. Love you Kayleigh. 


Day 12 of 40 Acts: #ChocolateTuesday

Thought of the day:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

(Galatians 5:22-23 ESV)

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Green action: ‘Slip a bar of chocolate into someone’s bag with a note saying ‘#40acts’. Or leave a bar or two in your local library, on a park bench or on the train.’

I’ve chosen not to do this one because I don’t think I’ll be able to get close enough to someone to slip chocolate in their bag and knowing me, I’ll be accused of trying to poison them! Leaving chocolate lying around is a little bit tricky too..


Amber action: ‘Chocolate everyone in your department/road/ toddler group – or wherever you happen to be going today.’

Me and Kayleigh went into town today to run a few errands and this is when I first bought the chocolate for today. I bought around 50 bars of chocolate with lots of choice and hit the high street. Our first stop was our old place of work- Paperchase. I say ‘old’ but technically I’m still employed there til the end of this week, but I am on holiday and Kayleigh left before Christmas. That’s right, not only do me and Kayleigh live and study together, we also used to work at the same place too! Anyway, we popped in to say hello and give out chocolate to the staff members on shift (all two of them)! After this we were a little bit rushed for time as we were heading to the cinema, but we agreed to head to the Uni after to give out more chocolate.


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Red action: ‘Clear the confectionery aisles in your local supermarket and get out onto the streets, handing out free treats for all. Or you could do what some challengers did last year and announce free chocolate on your commute home!’

So after the cinema we headed to campus and started at the Campus Shop and Student Union. We gave out chocolate to all the hard working staff and wished them a good day. Then we headed over to the main university building and gave chocolate out to the reception staff and infozone team. Everyone was so surprised and it was great to be able to bring a smile to their faces. With chocolate still available we headed upstairs to the Business school offices to deliver chocolate to the lecturers and staff. The last of our chocolate was given out to some of the students who were waiting to head into the same seminar as us that afternoon. I think it’s fair to say our act of free chocolate was appreciated by all who received! Thank you Kayleigh for helping me out today!

k choc

There we have it… want to make a small difference to someone’s day? Show them a little bit of L.O.V.E with some chocolate!


Love & hugs,


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